"You sold the moon for a glitterball, and all the earth's creatures for a Unicorn..."
From 2022 our Sophia:
A sideways look at the Easter story, with an eye on contemporary culture, consumerism, gender politics and environmental concerns, as well as how spirituality ultimately transcends our labels of gender, nationality, and class.
Inspired by Wisdom literature as well as the Gospels, “The Passion of Sophia” takes to the dance floor, where the moon has been sold for a glitter ball:
Welcome to Baal’s night club, conveniently located within crawling distance of the Holy Mountain. Your host for the evening is Molech – he’s a bit of a Bull, so beware any virgin who enters here.
Enter Sophia, she is wisdom from an earlier age; her grace is largely forgotten, but every so often you can still hear her love song on the wind; as it was sung to Solomon all those years ago.
Sophia is clearing her house, and searching for her greatest treasure. Her search brings her to the lost, the lonely and the dying; she dispenses wisdom wherever she goes, and many find healing within her presence; they strive to touch the hem of her skirts. Soon, the influence of Sophia cannot be tolerated any more, and the hunt is on. Time for Sophia’s identity to be finally revealed….
In Rehearsal
But, Who is that Girl?