The book of Job is often described as the one of the most depressing books ever written, lying as it does in the most unfashionable segment of the Bible, the world’s best - selling, least read and most misunderstood book (often by those who try to live by it). Job tends to be largely ignored by the sort of religious person who prefers easy answers to difficult questions - job is just too fuzzy! It contains death, sorrow, illness and plenty of righteous anger- so why attempt to write a Play inspired by such a book? And why would anyone come to see it?
You may be asking yourself that question right now! Please, come back, bits of it are funny, honest!
“Fuzzy” is a play about life, because life can be fuzzy; I was first prompted to write this play during one of the many fuzzy periods of my life- I could relate to Job, he too knew that life, love and relationships can be fuzzy and that the meaning of life is fuzzier still – this is a Play about fuzziness, about our attempts to make life less fuzzy, and what happens when we think we’ve got life, love and God sussed. It’s also a Play about the relative merits of chess and Ker-plunk
Dean Akrill- Writer and Director